The practice at 69 Grantham Street began in 1923, over a centuryago.
It was run by solo GPs, Dr. Davies for 33 years, followedby Dr. Tom Walshe for 23 years. The premises served as both a clinicand a residence for the doctors and their families.
In 1991, Dr.John Stanton acquired it, relocating his practice from NicholsonStreet, Carlton, where he worked with Dr. Joanna Flynn, who alsomoved to GSGP. Dr. Joanna Flynn retired in 2015.
After manyyears at the practice, Drs. Li-Hsia Neoh and Debra Wilson joined Dr.John Stanton as practice principals in 2016. In 2021, they becamejoint principals when John Stanton stopped managing the practice andretired in August 2022 after 31 years.
Numerous GPs have workedwith us, including Kathryn Theodosiou, Leone Piggford, Ralph Audhem,Kenneth Bretherton, and Katy Harrison, along with our current GPs. Wehave also had many University of Melbourne medical students and, morerecently, GP registrars.
Our allied health providers over theyears have included mental health nurses, diabetes nurse educators,dietitians, podiatrists, and currently a physiotherapist, a clinicalpsychologist, and our practice nurses.
In addition to staffchanges, we've renovated the waiting room and reception area, addedan extra consulting room, updated our treatment room, and introducedonsite pathology.
We regularly enjoy social outings such as cooking classes, mini golf and end of year celebrations.
How many of these faces do you remember??