
We aim to provide high quality, personalised and comprehensive primary medical care with continuity of care through your life phases, with a focus on preventative health and promotion.

Services Provided

  • General medical care to people of all ages, children, adolescents, adults and elderly.
  • Lifestyle counseling. Advice on nutrition, weight management, exercise, stress management, smoking cessation, and management of addictive behaviors.
  • Health Assessments for persons over 75 years. General Practice Management Plans, Team Care Arrangements and Case Conferences for people with complex conditions requiring multidisciplinary care.
  • Personal, relationship and family counseling.
  • Pregnancy care and family planning.
  • Screening for high blood pressure, diabetes, cervical cancer (Pap smears), and breast cancer.
  • Immunisations and travel health requirements.
  • Refugee health services and access to interpreters when required.
  • Rehabilitation following illness or accident.
  • Practice Nurse for immunisations, wound care and chronic disease management.
  • Iron Infusions
  • Accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre
  • Psychologist.
  • Physiotherapy
  • St Vincent’s Pathology Collection Centre

Rights & Responsibilities

Your rights include the following:
  • To be treated with respect.
  • To be provided with information regarding your medical condition and options regarding treatment, so that you can make informed decisions about your medical care.
  • To be given appropriate privacy.
  • To expect confidentiality regarding your care.
Your responsibilities include the following:
  • To give accurate information regarding your health and current medical problems.
  • To be considerate of staff and other patients.
  • To provide at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment.

Mental Health Plans

If you have a mental health problem that qualifies you for a Mental Health Plan and wish to claim a Medicare rebate for seeing a psychologist, you will need to make a 30 minute appointment with your usual GP before you see the psychologist.

At your consultation, your usual GP will undertake an assessment, prepare a Mental Health Plan and provide a referral to a psychologist.


  • Record your consent for preparing a Mental Health Plan.
  • Take a relevant biological, psychological and social history, including the presenting complaint.
  • Ensure that you have a mental health disorder that would benefit from psychological treatment. A mental health disorder is a clinically diagnosable disorder that significantly interferes with your cognitive, emotional or social abilities.
  • Conduct a mental state examination.
  • Assess associated risk and any co-morbidity.
  • Make a diagnosis or formulation.
  • Administer an outcome measurement tool if appropriate.

Preparation of Mental Health Plan

  • Discuss the assessment with you.
  • Discuss appropriate treatments and referral options.
  • Agree on goals of treatment and what actions you will need to take.
  • Provide psycho-education.
  • Plan for crisis intervention and relapse prevention, if appropriate.
  • Arrange review and follow-up.
Once the Mental Health Plan is completed, you can claim a Medicare rebate for 6 sessions with your psychologist. If you decide to continue to see the psychologist you will need to make an appointment with your usual GP for a Mental Health Plan Review. A 30 minute appointment is required for a review. You are able to claim a Medicare rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. If you choose to see your psychologist for more than 10 sessions per calendar year, you will need to be prepared to pay the full cost yourself, although you may be able to claim a rebate from your Private Health Insurance fund.

Mental Health Plan Review

Your usual GP will:
  • Record your consent for preparing a Mental Health Plan Review.
  • Review your progress against the goals outlined in the Mental Health Plan.
  • Check, reinforce and expand on psycho-education.
  • Provide psycho-education.
  • Plan for crisis intervention and relapse prevention, if appropriate.
  • Re-administer an outcome measurement tool if appropriate.


Mental Health Plan 20mins
Item 2715 $180.00 - Medicare rebate $103.70

Mental Health Plan 40mins
Item 2717 $225.00 - Medicare rebate $152.80

Mental Health Plan Review
Item 2712 $160.00 - Medicare rebate $81.70

Telephone Calls

If you call to speak with a doctor we request you book an appointment. In the case of an emergency, the receptionist will put your call through to a doctor or practice nurse.


When we refer you for tests, we will discuss how we will communicate the results to you: by letter, email, SMS, telephone or with an appointment.


Our practice is committed to preventative healthcare. We offer recalls & reminders for
cervical screening tests, immunisations and
other clinical reasons. If you do not wish to be
sent reminders, please inform your doctor.

Home Visits

Home visits are available to registered patients who are too ill, or lack the mobility to attend the practice. For further information, please speak to one of our reception staff or your usual GP.


This practice is accredited by the University of Melbourne for the teaching of medical students. You will be asked for your consent prior to your appointment and will only be seen by a student with your consent.

Communication Supports

We provide communication assistance to patients who require support from TIS (Translating and Interpreting Services) and NABS (National Auslan Booking Service).


Referrals are given at the time of consultation.
They may also be sent to health providers by fax, post or secure email. Referrals to Public Hospitals and Community Health are routinely faxed.

After Hours

If you require medical advice on evenings or weekends, please telephone 9380 1384. A recorded message will give you the contact number for the doctor on call. If there is no answer, please contact the locum service 13 SICK on 13 7425.

Patient Feedback

We aim to provide high quality ethical care with a focus on continuity of care. We welcome your comments on the service we provide. Feel free to email us at or speak to your doctor or our office manager Samantha Lawrence. Otherwise, you may contact:
Health Services Commissioner 30/570 Bourke St, Melbourne. Tel: 8601 5200.

Management of Health Information

Our practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your health information. We collect, maintain and use your personal health information in a confidential way at all times. For more details, please ask to see our Privacy Policy.

Open hours


8.00am to 6.00pm


8.00am to 6.00pm


8.00am to 6.00pm


8.00am to 6.00pm


8.00am to 6.00pm


9.00am to 12.30pm

Sunday &
Public Holidays


Book appointment

Grantham Street General Practice is fully accredited by AGPAL